An initial consultation can be at any time in your breastfeeding journey and is best carried out in a room you feel most comfortable in. (I’m well-used to meeting mothers for the first time in bed, cuddled up with their babies!)
The consultation will include a detailed history taking of you and your baby/ies health, your pregnancy, birth and your breastfeeding history so far.
I will listen to your concerns and history and watch a feed whilst we are together. During the consultation, I may ask if it would be ok to carry out an oral assessment for your baby to check their suck, oral anatomy and tongue function. This may help us come up with some answers if you are experiencing painful feeds, stressful feeds or concerns with your milk supply or your babies weight.
Whilst your baby feeds, we can discuss any tweaks to positioning and attachment to help make the feeding comfortable for you and effective for the baby.
We will make a tailored plan for you to help you move towards your own breastfeeding goals.
We will keep in touch via email after the visit.
During the consultation, I may suggest sharing information with your health care provider such as your GP and/or midwife or health visitor.
If you think this type of care would suit your needs, please get in touch and I can work with you for a good time to visit.
Additional follow up visits charged at £80
Payment is required before the start of each consultation. I will send you an invoice upon booking.
*If you desperately need help and cost is an issue I can talk you through with a pay what you can option depending on my availability. I will always do my best to give you ways to find some trusted information to help.